Is it just me, or does everyone else find summer a distraction?
To begin, my beautiful girlfriend visited from the UK - a HUGE distraction but an amazing Christmas. Now I'm srrounded by wonderful summer weather (although, only sometimes - even I can't seriously talk up our weather. Tasmania is seemingly attempting to pack all four seasons into everyday) and with Australia thrashing the Poms in cricket and the Australian Open on the TV constantly, I'm distracted! However, after some late night typing I have managed to complete the first draft of my next project; Berlin. Set in Melbourne, Australia (no, not Berlin - it's only a working title) during a swelting summer, we are lucky enough to delve into the lives of four working women, and in particular the unlikely connection that developes between two of them. Charatcter driven and intimate, I'm looking forward to producing a novel I hope we can all become immersed in. So, please excuse me while I toddle off to become completely distracted by the punnet of strawberries I can see in the kitchen! Read. Be Happy. Michelle X
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